The forecasted long hot summer hasn’t arrived yet, probably no surprise to people who live in Victoria, and in its place we have had plenty of rainy golf days. Here are a few tricks to playing well in the rain. 

The first observation I would make is that golfers tend to rush when it’s raining. This is partly a case of trying not to get wet and partly not really enjoying the experience of playing in the rain. If it is raining steadily then you are going to get wet, it is unavoidable, any amount of rushing is not going to save you. Accept that you will get wet and just run with the same routine you would use if it was a perfect day. 

The next point I would make is, if you know it is going to rain or even if there is a chance that it might rain… be prepared. A good set of rain gear is an absolute must. It is an investment you will need to make if you are going to be a dedicated golfer. The good stuff is pricey but the investment is worth it as it lasts for years and years as you won’t use it every time you play, hopefully! Also, get yourself a decent umbrella. It’s a bit like the rain gear, the good ones last for ages. 

Finally, you will need extra gloves and extra towels on rainy days. One of each won’t get you through a decent rainy day. Turn both over before they get soaked and hang them inside your umbrella to dry. This way you can use them again if required.